Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! 400 399 Best Foot Forward Foundation

We open our hearts  and minds to our students every day of the year, and Valentine’s Day is no exception.

Classrooms across the country celebrate the day devoted to sweet sentiments and Sweethearts candies. On February 14th, most students will excitedly pack their backpacks with “Would You Be Mine?” greeting cards and heart-shaped chocolates to share with their classmates. But, what about students in foster care who don’t have the means for such novelties?

We often talk about these normal experiences or “normalcy” when we discuss foster care youth. As outlined in legal provisions within the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act of 2014, normalcy is essential for maintaining healthy childhood development. According to the Alliance for Children’s Rights, youth define normalcy as not being excluded from their peers and not having to endure obstacles to participate in the same activities. Unfortunately, something as benign as Valentine’s Day can be a source of exclusion and embarrassment.

So, how do we make the holiday special for BFF students? By supplying enough Valentine’s Day goodies for our kids and their classmates!

We provide Valentine’s Day cards for our elementary school students so they can each participate in their class card exchanges. Our dedicated volunteers make the holiday even sweeter by baking homemade cookies and brownies for our students. Moreover, our partners at Campus Management Corp. surprised our kids with special gifts and goody bags filled with treats, small toys, and trinkets. To everyone who helped make our students feel loved and supported this year, thank you!

Every time these kids step foot in the classroom, it’s an opportunity to change their futures. February 14th, in all it’s sweet, chocolatey glory, is definitely included.

From everyone here at BFF, Happy Valentine’s Day!