There are only so many hours in a day, but what if twenty-four hours were all it took to make a difference?
Well, the team at BFF is officially setting their timer. A twenty-four-hour timer to be exact!
Starting at midnight tonight, you can be a part of a special event called the GREAT GIVE. A 24 hour, online giving event to raise money for local nonprofits. Like so many other wonderful organizations, our hard work, passion, and drive only go so far. And, that’s where you come in.
We wouldn’t be where we are today without the help of our community. It’s how we’ve grown this much in only eight short years and how we hope to continue our development in the future. From tutoring, to reading, to birthday celebrations, to graduations, we are there for our students, giving them opportunities they wouldn’t otherwise have. Your Great Give donation makes it possible for us to continue to change the lives of children in foster care.
Something else that makes the GREAT GIVE so exciting is that, thanks to the United Way of Palm Beach County, all donations will enter a bonus pool, boosting your contributions even more.
In the past, our County has raised over one million dollars in this brief window of time. With one community, 24-hours, and an unlimited desire to make a difference, there’s no doubt this year will be another huge success.
Please donate! With a minimum donation of only $5, the Great Give allows everyone be a part of the solution. Let the countdown begin! DONATE HERE!