At Best Foot Forward, we love to supplement our academic program with life lessons whenever possible, and when we can make those lessons fun and empowering, all the better!
Centered around the book Be You by Peter H. Reynolds, we recently coordinated a very special art project that incorporated the book’s lessons and self-portraits (inspired by a display at Omni Middle School). The project was held on a weekend, and some of our younger, very talented students were invited. It focused on the importance and impact of affirmations while giving the students the opportunity to further develop their artistic skills.
Lynn Stender, BFF volunteer art teacher extraordinaire and Resident-Artist at The Boca Raton, led the project, teaching the students about shading, mixing colors, and being true to their artistic intentions. She guided them as they created the most incredible self-portraits! In addition to the artwork, they each chose a saying to write on their canvas, something from the book that was the most meaningful to them, something they felt is important to “Be”. A few of their choices were to “Be Strong”, “Be Connected” and “Be Unique”.
After the project, the students and their guardians enjoyed lunch and were excited to bring home extra art supplies. They absolutely loved getting their very own copy of the book, courtesy of Laura McCutcheon, as a little reminder of how important they are to us and how we always want them to “Be Happy”!
We are framing the students’ artwork for them to keep forever, and copies will be hanging in our office for all to enjoy. Take a moment to admire the beauty they’ve brought into our lives: