
BFF Graduates!

BFF Graduates! 426 366 Best Foot Forward Foundation

It’s graduation season! At Best Foot Forward, we’re all about celebrating our students’ success! Our team doesn’t just cheer from the sidelines – we’re right there at graduation ceremonies, beaming…

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College Workshop

College Workshop 480 640 Best Foot Forward Foundation

Every summer, we host a college workshop to empower our students. This year’s guest presenters shared information on legal, law enforcement and financial issues that will serve them very well…

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December Graduates

December Graduates 1709 2560 Best Foot Forward Foundation

The achievements of our students are nothing short of remarkable, and we wanted them to have a special graduation celebration to honor their hard work. Thank you to BFF partner…

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GL Homes

GL Homes 1000 1261 Best Foot Forward Foundation

For years, GL Homes has been supporting nonprofits in our area. Their latest endeavor was helping our college student, Mary, with some of her career  questions. GL Homes is committed…

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Jeff’s Big Surprise!

Jeff’s Big Surprise! 2560 1707 Best Foot Forward Foundation

We recently celebrated the graduation of one the hardest working students we know, Jeff! You may remember Jeff from a few years ago, when his perseverance led him to pass…

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FAU Student donates to BFF

FAU Student donates to BFF 4480 6720 Best Foot Forward Foundation

We were ecstatic to hear that a recent FAU graduate, Kira Wolak, wanted to celebrate her graduation by asking people to donate to BFF in honor of her success! She…

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PBSC Provost Receives BFF Award

PBSC Provost Receives BFF Award 3000 2000 Best Foot Forward Foundation

It was our privilege to honor Dr. Bernadette Russell from Palm Beach State College for her ongoing commitment to our partnership and our students. READ the article here!

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BFF Scholarship Recipients!

BFF Scholarship Recipients! 2658 2316 Best Foot Forward Foundation

The Rotary Club of Boca Raton Sunrise Foundation awarded over $10,000 in scholarships for the first semester of the 2019-2020 year to seven deserving students attending Florida Atlantic University and…

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Are you a worrier?

Are you a worrier? 650 488 Best Foot Forward Foundation

Are you a worrier? Worrying is a part of life; albeit bigger for some people than others, but no one can avoid it completely. With Hurricane Irma, it was very…

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How Foster Kids Can Succeed in College!

How Foster Kids Can Succeed in College! 1200 799 Best Foot Forward Foundation

3%. It’s a good number if you are looking at the risk of thunderstorms, not so good if you are looking at the college graduation rate for kids who grew…

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