palm beach county

BFF Graduates!

BFF Graduates! 426 366 Best Foot Forward Foundation

It’s graduation season! At Best Foot Forward, we’re all about celebrating our students’ success! Our team doesn’t just cheer from the sidelines – we’re right there at graduation ceremonies, beaming…

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PBC Principal-School Counsleor Appreciation

PBC Principal-School Counsleor Appreciation 1848 2017 Best Foot Forward Foundation

We are so proud to support our school counselors all year long, and especially at their 36th annual Principal-School Counselor Appreciation. Fun Fact: Did you know that they changed the…

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August 2019 News

August 2019 News 602 593 Best Foot Forward Foundation

Click here to read our August newsletter.

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CONGRATS GRADUATES! 4032 3024 Best Foot Forward Foundation

What a great graduation party at ChildNet, it was so much fun as we celebrated the amazing accomplishment of our students. Jim Sackett was our emcee and sponsors Speak Up for Kids Palm Beach…

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Best Foot Forward Day

Best Foot Forward Day 960 899 Best Foot Forward Foundation

How exciting! April 27th is now officially Best Foot Forward day in Palm Beach County . We are so proud to be a part of a truly remarkable community; we appreciate the support…

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AT&T Grant

AT&T Grant 426 371 Best Foot Forward Foundation

AT&T has selected 10 programs throughout the country that they have deemed worthy of funding, and Best Foot Forward’s Grounded for Life’s program was one of them. Through a collaborative…

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Back to School Newsletter 2018

Back to School Newsletter 2018 800 800 Best Foot Forward Foundation

Read all about the newest happenings at BFF! Click here for our newsletter.

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Frank Barbieri: Champion of Children

Frank Barbieri: Champion of Children 150 150 Best Foot Forward Foundation

CLICK to READ! Read the wonderful article about Frank Barbieri’s commitment to helping children!

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