This was our best holiday season ever! We celebrated with two parties this year, one for our younger students and one for the older students. Both parties were amazing with…
read moreWe are very proud of our newest college graduates for overcoming adversity, defying the odds and earning their degrees. Only 46% of foster children grow up to graduate high school,…
read moreCongratulations to co-founder Debbie Ellman for being honored at the Temple Beth El of Boca Raton‘s Annual Sisterhood Luncheon. Debbie was honored for making a positive impact on the community through Best…
read moreHot off the Press- our November newsletter! Click here to read all about BFF!
read moreCONGRATULATIONS to Laura McCutcheon, a 2019 Bethesda Hospital Foundation Women of Grace Honoree! Laura has been an important part of Best Foot Forward for the past 5 years and has…
read moreCONGRATULATIONS to all the Junior League of Boca Raton Woman Volunteer of the Year nominees- you are all incredible! We are so proud of our nominee Meryll Biala Bangsil and are honored to have her…
What an exciting addition to our community, GreenWise Market is open! Co-founders Donna and Debbie attended a pre-opening tour and were pleasantly surprised when they were presented with a check…
read moreWe are grateful to have received a 5 star review from GreatNonprofits. Our rating is based on our impact and effectiveness in our community and we strive to always make…
read moreWe are so proud that Michelle Adams from CenterState Bank was selected for the Women of Distinction award in the Children and Families category. Michelle has been a supporter for…
read moreIt was our privilege to honor Dr. Bernadette Russell from Palm Beach State College for her ongoing commitment to our partnership and our students. READ the article here!
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